All training courses are under the name of CheckMark Training.
“A successful audit is one for which the client has been fully and correctly prepared and has been conducted by an experienced and competent audit team.
The audit findings have been efficiently evaluated by a certifier resulting in certification being awarded within a satisfactory time frame”.
David Ogg 2016.
CheckMark Training is proud to offer RSPO-endorsed training courses, which are open to RSPO Auditors, Oil Palm Growers, all industries in the supply chain using palm oil and palm kernel oil and to anyone who wishes to learn more about RSPO certification.
Our courses provide auditors with clear and practical guidance as to how to seek evidence of compliance whilst imparting growers and the industry with the essential knowledge as to how to prepare for an RSPO P&C or an RSPO SCC audit.
Our trainers have un-precedented practical experience and are selected for their proven ability to deliver training in a logical and understandable format. Our clear objectives are to assist auditors with the development of their audit skills and to ensure the oil palm and palm oil industries, as well as group managers, focus their management in the most cost-effective way to achieve RSPO P&C certification.
Delivered with passion and enthusiasm, our courses include the most up to date training material and all delegates receive soft copies of documents in usable formats such as word, powerpoint and excel and many documents from the RSPO website. These are all designed to help companies to fully and completely prepare for their first (and subsequent) audit and so help to avoid non-conformance or suspension.
The role of Certification Bodies.
Ensuring that their auditors and both qualified and competent.
Auditors need to be qualified and this may include a number of qualifications, including successful completion of RSPO-endorsed courses.
The ultimate qualification of any auditor is entirely the responsibility of the certification body!
The CB must also ensure that their auditors are competent and invest as much time as necessary to support their auditors and to develop their competency. Auditors must also be honest with their CBs and ask for support and additional training as necessary.
Oil Palm Companies and industries in the supply chain.
Preparation for an audit is essential!
All delegates for both courses receive a comprehensive range of practical working documents in word, excel and powerpoint format to help them to prepare for an audit and as an invaluable source of information.
Held over a contiguous 5-day period, this course is intended for delegates who have the intention to become an RSPO P&C Auditor as the Lead Auditor or as a member of an audit team. The training syllabus includes relevant sections of the RSPO Supply Chain Certification Standard and all other associated requirements for RSPO compliance for oil palm growers and millers.
Our course provides auditors with clear and practical guidance as to how to seek evidence of compliance whilst imparting growers with the essential knowledge as to how to prepare for a P&C audit and all delegates are provided with comprehensive training documents and self-assessment checklists.
This 2-day course is designed for the following delegates:
For further details: